
Acupuncture is a complementary medicine system in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are considered lines of energy (meridians) used to treat various physical and medical conditions. Acupuncture points are supposed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, emancipates chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical transforms may stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.

Electro homoeopathy

Electro homoeopathy is a derivative of homoeopathy invented in the 19th century by count Cesare Mattei. The name is derived from an amalgam of electro and homoeopathy. Electro homeopathy has been defined as the amalgam of electrical devices and homoeopathy. It maintains homeostasis between the lymph and blood of diseased persons and then cures them. Natural, cheap, simple, harmless, non-toxic, and non-alcoholic is also free of side effects. Medicines for this practice are made from plants.

Paadha Guasa Therapy

Paadha Guasa therapy is a kind of natural treatment used to treat various health issues. It is proven to be as effective as acupuncture treatments. We will be able to treat more than 80 organs of our body by stimulating the appropriate points on the sole of one’s foot sciatica, varicose, kidney and gall bladder stones and other ailments can be treated.

Varma Therapy

Varma Kalai is a Tamil word meaning “art of vital points”. Varmam is the branch of Siddha system of medicine which involves a special kind of therapy based on vital points called Varma points present in the body. Varma therapy is the therapeutic manipulation of Varmam points in which the pranic energy remains concentrated. Manipulation over these points with a particular force for the specified time will release the pranic energy from these points and bring relief to the affected individual by regulating the flow of pranic energy obstructed due to assault on specific points (Varmam points) or due to other causes.

Auriculo Therapy

Auriculotherapy (also called auricular therapy, auriculoacupuncture and ear acupuncture) is a form of alternative medicine based on the notion that the ear is a microsystem, reflecting the entire body auricle, the outer portion of the ear. Conditions affecting the patient’s physical, mental, or emotional health are assumed to be treatable by stimulating the ear’s surface exclusively. Similar mappings are used in many parts of the body, including the routines of reflexology and iridology. These mappings are not based on or backed by any medical or scientific evidence; they are considered pseudoscience.

Sujoke Therapy

In Sujoke therapy, palm and foot embody all the organs/meridians in the body. Su means hand while jok means palm. Sujok can be done with other treatments also, and it engenders no side effects. Professor Park Jae Woo developed Sujoke therapy. This therapy is 100% safe, comfortable, and straightforward to implement even by the patients. Since hands and feet are the sites of active points systems analogous to all part of the body and organs, stimulation of these points produces a curative effect. This method is universal. With the help of Sujoke, several types of illnesses can be treated. There is no need for any safety measures to be taken during the treatment. Since the treatment is natural and curing only the natural powers in and around the body, it is also one of the anodyne therapies ever known.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is a primaeval form of alternative medicine. A cupping therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to generate suction. People get it for various purposes, including pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and a type of deep-tissue massage.

Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic therapy is an alternative medical therapy that uses static magnets to alleviate pain and other health concerns. So-called therapeutic magnets are typically incorporated into bracelets, rings, or shoe inserts, though therapeutic clothing and magnetic mattresses are also on the market.

Flower Remedy (Bach Flower remedy)

Bach flower remedies are solutions of brandy and water—the water containing extreme dilutions of flower material developed by Edward Bach, an English homoeopath, in the 1930s. Bach claimed that the dew found on flower petals retains imagined healing properties of that plant. People have used Bach remedies for many conditions, including anxiety, depression, stress, emotional and physical trauma, cancer, and HIV.

Pranic Psychotherapy

Access Bar Pranic Psychotherapy covers the use of Pranic Healing in the field of Psychotherapy. It discusses the methods to use in alleviating emotional and psychological ailments. Repairing damaged or cracked protective webs in the chakras. Self-healing for: Tension, Irritability, Grief and anxiety.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological process that comprises analysing successful individuals’ strategies and applying them to reach a personal goal. It relates thoughts, language, and patterns of behaviour learned through experience to specific outcomes.

Access Facelift

The Access Energetic Facelift is a nurturing energetic body process from Access Consciousness. The gentle, soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven, and rejuvenate. It is a wonderful way to reverse the appearance of ageing.

Obesity Consultant (Diet Chart Provided)

The reliable way to treat obesity is to eat a healthy, reduced-calorie diet and do exercise regularly. To do this, you should follow a diet plan, eat a balanced, calorie structured diet as counselled by your GP or weight loss management health professional.

Access Bars

Access Bars are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly and efficiently release anything that stops you from feeling joy and ease in your life. These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored. It is an opportunity for you to let go of everything.

Health Treatments

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